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Metrics and Dimensions Glossary


The following is the list of the standard metrics and dimensions currently available in the Watching That platform.

Everywhere Edition customers can augment this with Custom Data and Events as they see fit.

All entries have been marked with their availability based on the data source.


Ad BreaksFreewheel LogsAd BreakThe count of Ad Breaks
Ad Break StartsGAM LogfilesAdThis is the count of vmap_ad_break_start events received in the GAM Impression Logs
Ad ClicksPlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe count of the Ad Click event, which is fired when a user clicks on the ad
Ad CompletesAllAd Break, Ad & ContentThe count of the Ad Complete event, which is fired when the ad has finished playing
Ad LoadsPlugin & GAM LogfilesAd & ContentThe count of the Ad Load event, which is fired when the ad metadata has successfully loaded
Ad RequestsAllContentThe count of the Ad Request event, which is fired when the client requests an ad or ads from the primary ad server
Ad SlotsAllAdThe count of Ad Slots. Ad Slots make up an ad break and are where ad creatives are rendered, they are generated by ad / trafficking rules.
Ad StartsPlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe count of the Ad Start event, which is fired when the ad creative playback has begun
Ads Selected (beta)Freewheel LogsAd Break & ContentWhere the Commercial Break Pattern is set for Volume of ads per break, this metric records how many ads were selected by the Freewheel Serve to play in that break
Bid eCPMGAM LogfilesBidBid eCPM averaged across the GAM, AdSense, Adx, and other third-party networks
Bid RevenueGAM LogfilesBidBid revenue is based on the number of ad impressions served by GAM, AdSense, Adx, and/or any other third-party networks
BidsGAM LogfilesBidThis is count of bid rows/events in the GAM Bid Logs
Bid Response ErrorsGAM LogfilesBidThis event represents a bid request without any bids from DSP
Code ServesGAM LogfilesAd & ContentNumber of times the ad server responded to a request for an ad. A code serve is not counted if the ad server response is empty. For video requests and out-of-page requests (delayed impressions): Formula: Code served count >= Impressions
Content StartsAllContentThe count of the Start of Content, which is fired when the first frame of the video playback has been delivered
Content First QuartilesPlugin/GAMContentThe count of the First Quartile of Content, which is fired when the video playback has reached 25% of its total duration
Content MidpointsPlugin/GAMContentThe count of the Midpoint of Content, which is fired when the video playback has reached 50% of its total duration
Content Third QuartilesPlugin/GAMContentThe count of the Third Quartile of Content, which is fired when the video playback has reached 75% of its total duration
Content CompletesPlugin/GAMContentThe count of the Video Complete event, which is fired when the video playback has reached 95% of its total duration
eCPM (beta)Freewheel LogsAd & ContentFor Freewheel Logs it comes as net value/1000
ErrorsAllAd Break, Ad & ContentThe count of the Ad Error events, which is fired when an error occurs in the processing of the ad request - note: this does not necessarily mean a lost impression
Error Rate (%)AllAd Break, Ad & ContentThe count of ad slots with an error/total ad slots
Fill Rate (%)AllAd Break, Ad & ContentNet impressions/total ad slots
FW: Buyer ResponseFreewheel LogsAd Break, Ad & ContentThe count of 3rd party Response events in the Freewheel V4 Logs, which is fired when a 3rd party has responded to the available ad slot
FW: Fallback AdsFreewheel LogsAdImpressions that did not have a Buyer Response (The Response Event in the FW logs)
Gross ImpressionsAllAd Break, Ad & ContentThe count of all impression events that don't have the IVT flag set
Gross Invalid ImpressionsFreewheel LogsAd Break, Ad & ContentThe count of all impression events that have the IVT flag set
Gross Ad Server Revenue (beta)Freewheel LogsAd Break, Ad & ContentThe sum of cpms where an impression exists
Gross ErrorsCollector APIContentThe count of all error events (ad and content)
HB Average Win CPM ($)Header BiddingContentThe average value of the winning bid CPM
HB Revenue ($)Header BiddingContentThe sum of all winning bids
HB Total AuctionsHeader BiddingContentThe count of total auctions run
HB Under Floor PriceHeader BiddingContentThe count of total winning bids that were under the set floor price
Impressions - AllFreewheel LogsAd Break, Ad & ContentThe count of the total number of impression events, valid/invalid/duplicate
Impressions with errorsAllAdNet Impressions where there is also an error event
Impressions with no errorsAllAdNet Impression event where there is no error event
JW: Player Setup TimeJW PlayerContentThe time it takes the player to set everything up and emit the 'ready' event. Provided by the JW player
JW: Time to First FrameJW PlayerContentThe amount of time (In milliseconds) it takes for the player to transition from a play attempt to a firstFrame event
Lost Ad SlotsFreewheel LogsAdUnrendered Ad Slots + Unfilled Inventory
MutesAllAd & ContentThe count of the Player Mute Event, Which is fired when the player enters a muted / sound off state
Net ImpressionsAllAdThe count of total valid deduplicated impressions
Not Selected BidsFreewheel LogsAd & ContentThis event represents a bid not selected by FreeWheel ad server
Percent of Ads Bigger than 300pxPlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe percentage of Ad Request events that occur in Ad Units/placements that measure more than 300px in width
Percent of Ads with 100% VTRFreewheel Logs & Plugin/GAMAdThe percentage of Ad Start Events that also have an Ad Complete Event
Play RequestsPlugin/GAMContentThe count of Requests to Play the Video Content - either initiated by the user (Click to Play) or automatically by the player (Auto Play)
Play RateJW PlayerContentPlays per embeds, Only the first play (based on the firstFrame event) for a given embed is counted
Player LoadsJW PlayerContentNumber of times a player has been set up on a page (counts the 'ready' event emitted by the player)
Rendered Ad BreaksFreewheel LogsAd Break & ContentThe number of Ad Breaks that were Rendered on the end viewing device, this is determined by the presence of at least one impression and/or one error event per ad break
Rendered Ad SlotsFreewheel Logs & Plugin/GAMAdThe count of Ad Slots that are Rendered on a playback device, calculated as Error Events + Impression Events
Rendered Fill RateFreewheel Logs & Plugin/GAMAdNet Impressions / Rendered Ad Slots
Responses With Bids Freewheel LogsContentNumber of received responses with bids from demand partners
Selected Bids Freewheel LogsAd & ContentThis event represents a bid selected by FreeWheel ad server
Sessions Freewheel Logs & Plugin/GAMContentA content session represents the interval from when the video player initialises the video, goes through playing the video (including any potential preroll/midroll ads), until the video ends (including any postroll ad)
Time Unfilled (beta)Freewheel LogsAd Break & ContentWhere the Commercial Break Pattern has been set to time delimited, the Time Unfilled metric records how many seconds are left unfilled against the desired break length
Unfilled InventoryAllAd & ContentThe count of Rendered Ad Slots that only have Error Events (i.e. there are no Impression Events)
Unfilled Inventory RateAllAd & ContentUnfilled Inventory / Total Rendered Ad Slots
Unrendered Ad SlotsFreewheel LogsAdThe count of Ad Slots that have not been rendered on the playback device
UnmutesAllAd & ContentThe count of the Player Unmute Event, which is fired when the player exits a muted / sound off state
Use RatePlugin/GAMContentThe measure of how many times an ad starts playing (the Start Ad event) against how many times it has been successfully loaded (the Ad Loaded event).
Video ReadyPlugin/GAMContentThe count of the Video Ready event, which is fired when the video has been successfully loaded by the player and is available to start playback
Video ViewsAllContentThe count of the Video View event, which is fired when the first frame of video content is rendered and playback has begun
ViewabilityPlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe average in-view percentage of an ad at the point of impression


AdvertiserGAM LogfilesAd & ContentThe name of the advertiser that won the auction
Ad BreakAllAd & Ad BreakThe position of the Ad Break within the content, starting with 000 = Preroll, it is a numerical counter. Midroll 001 onwards, PostRoll = 00-1
Ad Break & SlotAllAdThe position of the Ad Break and the Ad Slot within the break, starting with 000_00 = First Ad Slot in the Preroll, it is a numerical counter starting at 0. 001_03 = Midroll 1, Slot 4
Ad Creative IdAllAd & ContentThe ID of the Ad Creative set by the Ad Server, if available
Ad IdPlugin/GAMAdThe ID of the Ad set by the Ad Server, if available
Ad Manager VersionPlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe version of the ad manager component used in the ad request. Example IMA SDK 3.4.2
Ad Media URL ExtensionPlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe file extension of the ad creative, if available - .mp4, .webm, .js are typical values
Ad Slot In BreakAllAdThe position of the Ad Slot in a given Ad Break, it is a numerical counter. 0 = the position is the first ad slot in a break, 3 is the 4th ad slot in a break
Ad Wrapper Creative IdPlugin/GAMAdThe ID of any Creative Wrapper used in a VAST programmatic chain
Ad Wrapper IdPlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe ID of any System Wrapper used in a VAST programmatic chain
AgencyGAM LogfilesAdThe organization managing ad accounts for brands and individual clients
Audience SegmentGAM LogfilesAdAudience segment IDs that the user belonged to. A list of Audience Solutions segment ID values associated with a user separated by pipe delimiter
BrowserAllAd Break, Ad & ContentThe common name of the web browser used: Chrome, Safari Mobile
Consent ObservedAllContentA binary flag denoting if consent strings were observed on the ad tag used in the request
CurrencyGAM LogfilesAd & BidThe Ad Manager network's default currency
Data SourceAllAd & ContentThe friendly name for the Data Source coming into the Watching That platform (e.g: Freewheel)
Deal IdGAM LogfilesAdThe ID of the Ad Exchange (AdX) or Ad Manager deal that applied for this impression. Blank if no deal applied
Device TypePlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe Device Category : Phone, Desktop, Tablet, TV
DomainPlugin/GAMAd Break, Ad & ContentThe Domain where the ad session was recorded:
DSPPlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe Name of the Ad System / Server that delivered the ad
Error CodeAllAd & ContentThe Code applied to any Error Event. Can include VAST, Freewheel, IMA, Player level
Error ZoneAllAdCategory of Error, whether the error occurred in the Request, Response or Playback zone
FW: Ad Unit IdFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Ad Unit Id. A unique, MRM-generated identifier for the ad unit
FW: Ad Unit TypeFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Ad Unit Type. Indicates the Ad Unit Package Name is an Ad Unit or a Package.
FW: CampaignFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Campaign ID. A unique, MRM-generated identifier for the campaign
FW: Content BrandFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Content Brand. Content Brand refers to a collection of TV channels from a particular programmer (e.g., ProgrammerCo Comedy Channels; ProgrammerCo TV Reality, etc.)
FW: Content Provider PartnerFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Content Provider Partner ID. The content partner is the partner directly upstream from the network getting the log file.
FW: Distribution PartnerFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Distribution Partner ID. This field will be empty if there is no distributor for the event.
FW: EndpointFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Endpoint Name. The endpoint (typically the name of the player) where the viewer watches the content
FW: Endpoint OwnerFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Endpoint Owner. Owner of the content distribution endpoint. Endpoint owners are commonly programmers or Multiple System Operators (MSOs)
FW: GenreFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Genre. The genre(s) associated with video inventory, e.g., Comedy, Lifestyle & Culture, News & Politics, Special Interest, etc.
FW: Global AdvertiserFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Global Advertiser ID. A unique identifier for a Global Advertiser; this identifier is assigned when FreeWheel adds an advertiser to the Global Advertiser list.
FW: Insertion OrderFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Insertion Order ID. A unique, MRM-generated identifier for the insertion order (IO)
FW: ListingFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Listing ID, The marketplace listing or inventory package IDs that the transaction delivered against
FW: Market Advertiser IdFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Market Advertiser Id : Programmatic Sales Channel Only
FW: Market Buyer Seat IdFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Market Buyer Seat Id : Programmatic Sales Channel Only
FW: Market Deal IdFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Market Deal Id : Programmatic Sales Channel Only
FW: Market Unified Ad IdFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Market Unified Ad Id : Programmatic Sales Channel Only
FW: MRM RuleFreewheel LogsAdThis is the MRM Rule Id that was used to select the seller partner for that ad
FW: PlacementFreewheel LogsAdThe ID of the placement that was served to the user. This value comes directly from the FreeWheel database
FW: Purchase Order IdFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Purchase Order ID. For Marketplace Platform Private buyers, the FreeWheel assigned purchase order ID
FW: Sales Channel TypeFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Sales Channel Type: Direct / Reseller / Programmatic
FW: Selling PartnerFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Selling Partner : Reseller Sales Channel Only
FW: SeriesFreewheel LogsAd Break, Ad & ContentFreewheel Series ID / Name
FW: SiteFreewheel LogsAd Break, Ad & ContentFreewheel Site ID / Name
FW: Site SectionFreewheel LogsAd Break, Ad & ContentFreewheel Site Section ID / Name
FW: Sold OrderFreewheel LogsAdFreewheel Sold Order ID. For Marketplace Platform Private sellers, the FreeWheel assigned ID
GAM Ad UnitPlugin/GAMAd & ContentAd Placement determined by what is on the ad tag url
GAM Fallback PositionGAM LogfilesAdThe fallback position of the video ad or mobile ad. 0 = Non-fallback. 1 = First fallback ad, 2 = second fallback ad, 3 = third fallback ad and so forth.
GAM House SplitPlugin/GAMAdA breakdown of GAM ADS based on their line item type, House or Non house
GAM Line ItemPlugin/GAMAd & ContentGAM Line Item ID / Name - only available for ads that are successfully loaded
GAM Line Item TypePlugin/GAMAdA breakdown of GAM ADS based on their line item type
GAM Line Item PriorityGAM LogfilesAdThe numeric priority assigned at the time of creating the line item, that serves as a guide for ad selection. The lowesr the number the higher the priority
GAM: Order NamePlugin/GAMAdThe name of the order as you defined it in your GAM account
GAM: Order - Is ProgrammaticPlugin/GAMAdThis specifies whether or not the Order is a programmatic Order. This value is optional and defaults to false. 0 is false, 1 is true.
GenreGAM LogfilesAd & ContentThe Content Category/Genre
HB BidderHeader BiddingContentThe Bidder Name
HB Winning BidderHeader BiddingContentThe Winning Bidder Name
Live ContentAllAd & ContentA binary marker that denotes if the player is set to deliver LIVE content vs VOD / OnDemand. Live = 1 and VOD = 0
OSAllAd Break, Ad & ContentThe common name of the operating system: MacOS, Windows
Page VisiblePlugin/GAMAd & ContentA binary marker that denotes if the player is in an active tab or not
PlayerFreewheel Logs & Plugin/GAMAd Break, Ad & ContentThe name / ID of the player
Player VersionPlugin/GAMAd Break, Ad & ContentThe version of the player where available
Playlist PositionPlugin/GAMContentIf a playlist / recommendation engine is used, the index of the player in the playlist
SSPPlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe Name of the Ad System / Server which is the first wrapper in a programmatic VAST chain: AdX, GDFP
Stream IDCollector APIAd & ContentThe ID of the Stream used in Google DAI setups
TerritoryAllAd Break, Ad & ContentThe world zones (e.g EU, Middle East, Rest of the world)
VideoAllAd Break, Ad & ContentThe Name / ID of the Video
Viewability SegmentPlugin/GAMAd & ContentAd viewability split into 0-10%, 10-20%, ... 90-100% segments. Where n/a is seen viewability is not measurable
Wrapper PathPlugin/GAMAd & ContentThe Names of the Ad System/ Servers used in a VAST programmatic chain
60% in-viewPlugin/GAMAd & ContentWhether the ad was more or less than 60% in view at the time of Impression. Where n/a is seen viewability is not measurable