Akamai Adaptive Media Player

The plugin url is in the form


You must replace *** with the Watching That customer ID received from us.

Integrating the Akamai Adaptive Media Player (AMP) with the Watching That plugin is simply a matter of adding the plugin configuration to the player config object like so:

const config = {
// the rest of the AMP configuration
plugins: {
wtAdTracer: {
resources: [
{ src: 'https://cdn.watchingthat.net/***.wtat.plugin-amp_ima.min.js', type: 'text/javascript', async: true },
config: {
apiKey: '<Watching That API key>',
// other plugins here
akamai.amp.AMP.create('amp', config);

See the configuration options for some other config params you can use for the plugin (only apiKey is required).

You can retrieve the API key from the Watching That app.