Bitmovin Player


1. Load the plugin script#

The plugin url is in the form

<script src="***.wtat.plugin-bm_ima.min.js"></script>

You must replace *** with the Watching That customer ID received from us.

2. Bitmovin configuration#

In the advertising section of your player config insert the following code

onAdsManagerAvailable: function(IMAAdManager) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error('The Watching That plugin failed to load. Possible causes are ad blockers stopping its load or a CDN failure.', e.message);

so that your config object now looks similar to this:

const config = {
key: '...',
playback: {
// ...
advertising: {
adBreaks: [
// ...
onAdsManagerAvailable: function (IMAAdManager) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error('The Watching That plugin failed to load. Possible causes are ad blockers stopping its load or a CDN failure.', e.message);

3. Start the plugin#

Start the plugin after instantiating the player but before calling player.load(...):

const player = new bitmovin.player.Player(container, conf);
try {
wtAdTracer({apiKey: '<Watching That API key>'}, player);
} catch (e) {
console.error('The Watching That plugin failed to load. Possible causes are ad blockers stopping its load or a CDN failure.', e.message);
// ...
() => {
console.log('Successfully created Bitmovin Player instance');
() => {
console.log('Error while creating Bitmovin Player instance');

See the configuration options for some other config params you can use for the plugin (only apiKey is required).

You can retrieve the API key from the Watching That app.