Brightcove API Integration

  1. Login to your Brightcove account.
  2. Go to your API Authentication page.
  3. Click Register New Application.
  4. Enter a name for this application to help you remember what it is for. For example, Watching That.
  5. Under Select accounts for authorization select the account(s) that contains the videos and players you want identified.
  6. Under Exposed Brightcove APIs tick CMS > Video Read and Players > Read.
  7. Click Save. From the modal that appears copy the Client ID and Client Secret values.
  8. Login to your Watching That account and go to the Brightcove API Integration page.
  9. Paste the copied Client ID and Client Secret from Brightcove, into the form on Watching That’s Brightcove Integration page (below).
  10. Add your Brightcove Account ID to the Account ID field in the form. Note: You can get your Brightcove Account ID from your Brightcove account settings page.
  11. Click "Connect to Brightcove".

    Brightcove integration

Once these steps are done you should immediately notice friendly names and other metadata in app instead of just IDs.